Five Things To Keep In Mind Before Coming To Canada

1. Be prepared. Be very much prepared. You are going to start from zero. Canada doesn’t care if you were team lead or senior software engineer in an MNC in India. You are again starting a new life.

2. Be ready to do whatever kind of job you can get at first. I see people rejecting some part-time jobs because it either doesn’t match their skill level or it doesn’t pay enough etc. reason. Your first goal is to manage your expenses and pay bills. Start with any kind of job you can get. Things are going to get better. Give it time.

3. Please don’t buy a car too early unless you can pay 25–30% in down payment. Getting a car is very easy here on financing. But you will have to pay back the amount. Better to use public transportation for a year than spending unnecessarily on a car and stuck in paying EMIs.

4. Please please please do internships. Even if it is unpaid. Most of the employers will ask for Canadian experience and there is only one way to get it. Internships. If you are ready to spend $15k a year on your college, you shouldn’t mind doing a 2–3-month unpaid internship. Have a good finance backup so that you can cover 2–3 months without part time job if needed. Internships will really help you to enter into the job market.

5. Most of the students who come here think that a specific program which has a good demand or scope will lead them to a well-paying job. No. Employers are not waiting for you to come, finish the program and offer you a job. All fields seem to have good demand here but immigrants struggle to land a good job.
Five Things To Keep In Mind Before Coming To Canada Five Things To Keep In Mind Before Coming To Canada Reviewed by Ravi on June 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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